• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

Say it ain’t Moe

Is it too soon to worry about going too far? Despite Broadway being known as “the great white way,” Hollywood has always been pretty pale; and pretty tone-deaf when it comes to pushing white actors and actresses into roles that were originally written as something other than white. Remember, Tom Cruise was The Last Samurai. Yep, that happened. When Doctor […]

In defense of Karen

The headline pulled my eye because it said those two magic words: Trader Joe’s. Yes, Trader Joe’s, the mecca of suburban privilege, my flat-out favorite grocery store (sorry Wegman’s, I love you, but if both you and Trader Joe’s fell in the water and I could only save one of you, I’m just saying you’d better start treading water). The […]

Lord and Lady Kardashian

Explain something to me. Who gives one flying crap about Ex-Prince Harry and Ex-C-List Actress and Princess-for-5-minutes Meghan Markle? I mean, OK, I get why British folks would care. Here’s this uber millennial who grows up royal, dips his quill in the global mainstream pool, likes it, marries a starlet (kinda), then abandons his legacy and birthright (and country) to […]

Taylor Swift cuts to the chase

OK, OK, I’m a fan. I’m pretty sure I’ve copped to that before, even in writing. I’m the teensiest bit embarrassed, being a 57-year-old man, but I’ll live. I like her old stuff, when she was a teenager and an absolute beast of a songwriter. I like most of her newer stuff – again because I find her writing exceptional, […]

On Leadership: There is no spoon

Dear Diary: It happened again today. I was reading the news on my big, middle-aged guy computer monitor and eating a huge salad that was too late for lunch and too early for dinner. So many things to think about, so many pressures to write. Like: The Supreme Court upheld DACA. That’s two times in one week the Supreme Court […]

Harry Potter and The Enraged Trans Community

I’m exhausted.  I’m exhausted by the inescapable negativity, the sheer venom, that’s everywhere. I stay away from social media to avoid it. I hold my tongue to avoid invoking it. But nothing I do seems to shield me and I feel it wearing on me, scraping away any protective covering I may have had at birth. Everyone has a reason […]

Life after The Snap

What if Thanos was right? If you don’t know who Thanos is, you should probably just stop reading. There’s only so much I can accomplish in 1,500 words or less. If you DO know who Thanos is but have not seen Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame, STOP. Because: spoiler alert. Everyone else, which basically means everyone, please continue. Yesterday […]

Racism is for the birds

Nero famously fiddled while Rome burned.  Closer to home, while cars were set alight in Philadelphia and looters attacked nearby King of Prussia Mall, I retreated to my backyard in search of peaceful coexistence. When you want harmony, you can’t do much better than Mother Nature. Or so I thought. If you’re a reader of my blog, you know my […]