• davidbgittelman@gmail,com
That was fast!

That was fast!

In a week, April 8 to be exact, I will mark the one year anniversary of this blog!

I have a dozen or so ideas about how to commemorate this, and no real capacity or mind-space to execute on most of them, so I thought I would start with this: 

What do YOU think?

I assume if you’re reading this, you’re not a first-time reader. Maybe you’ve read one, or a handful, of the 65-ish posts from the prior 12 months. If so, you came back at least once to read another one. I would be interested in your feedback. What did you think? What do you think? What do you like? What would you like to see different, or in addition to? 

And if you feel like it, tell me how I should recognize the accomplishment of one year behind me.

You can leave your feedback in the comments or you can email me privately, either one. I’m grateful for any suggestions and insight you care to share.

And even if you don’t respond, thank you for reading! I hope I continue to earn your interest.