• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

Another round for the lady

I have wanted to go to Minnesota for a long time. It’s kind of a weird reason why. It’s because the novelist John Sandford is from there, and has based pretty much all of his books in the heartland of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and the like. Sandford is not his real name, but rather the nom de plume of John […]

The cookies crumble

Recently I made an impassioned plea to kick Lauren “I’m just a gurl who cain’t say no to automatic weapons” Boebert out of Congress before she’s there long enough to leave a permanent stink. Today I’m happy to present Chapter Two of a little campaign I like to call: “F—ing really??!?” Meet Marjorie Taylor Greene.  She’s a QAnon believer, proponent […]

The Academy vs. Billie Holiday

I don’t remember the last time I watched the Academy Awards. Which is weird because I truly (madly, deeply!) love movies. You’d think I’d be more invested. But I’m not.  In recent years there’s been a lot of hub-bub about a lack of diversity in the nominated films and artists. To which even I, someone who has only begun his […]

Law and Order: Beltway

In the criminal justice system, gun-crazed, power-hungry members of Congress are considered especially heinous. In Washington, DC, the most notorious of these may be freshman Representative Lauren Boebert from Colorado. This is her story. GUNG-GUNG! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I come before you today to ask your judgment of United States Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Congresswoman Boebert is on […]

Some bunny to love

I did not see Space Jam, the bizarre 1996 movie in which Michael Jordan played basketball against Looney Tunes characters, including Bugs Bunny. I never had the desire to see it, and I never even considered that a sequel would be in order. But this is America, and so of course – 25 years later – we need a sequel. […]