• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

No, I said he was f—ing Goofy

I’ll bet you think this is going to be about the fistfight in Trader Joe’s over mask-wearing policy, or maybe about how Taylor Swift is getting heat for a new logo that’s too close to another trademark, one owned by a black woman. Wrong! Suckah. Nope, this is about superheroes, and the culture we have built around them. As you […]

Pennsylvania Dave and the Temple of Nothing

OK, let’s talk about religion. I was born and raised Jewish. We weren’t terribly religious when I was growing up, and our family friends – Jewish or not – weren’t either. I never really encountered virulent anti-Semitism. I’m lucky, and I recognize that the absence of immediate threat and personal trauma probably made me more complacent than I have a […]

Take this Joe and shove it

In the couple weeks since I’ve written I have taken a much needed vacation, drank my share of a very large bottle of vodka, and avoided deep thoughts at virtually all cost.  I’ve also done a bit of mourning, primarily for Gus (aka Skeletor), the feline friend I thought would never leave us; and for my kids’ youth. As a […]

Leave the gun, take shortcake biscuits

You gotta love New York. Well…you don’t gotta, but shame on you if you don’t. There’s a reason, if you make it there, that you can make it anywhere.  Because nowhere else in the US, at least, will people always let you know exactly where you stand. In this particular instance, where people stand is, in fact, the issue. In […]

Holy shirt.

In Annie they sang, “you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” I guess by those standards I’m naked. Since the pandemic began – what my daughter and her boyfriend call “the ‘rona” – I have kind of let myself go. In the beginning, communications about the whole COVID thing were fast and furious, and I was sitting at my dining […]