• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

America runs on Dunkin’

I am nauseous writing this. Or, if you’re a grammar Nazi: nauseated. I don’t usually feel this way but I remember election night four years ago and this is hauntingly familiar. In 2016 I had been a lifelong Republican, at one point a card-carrying, money-donating, Rush Limbaugh-listening Republican. My father was a Republican committeeman in Northeast Philadelphia when I was […]

Are you there, world? It’s me, Claudia.

Three days in a row?!  I know, but Monday’s was short; yesterday’s was fluffy, like a bit of merengue left over on your dessert fork; and today’s is technically a follow-up, so does that really count? Those of you who are faithful peepers into my mind will recall the earlier post where I examine the bizarre role reversal of parent […]

Bob and Lando and Ted and Jabba

In a lot of ways Star Wars has always been an analog for life.  It didn’t start out that way. It started as a George Lucas penned homage to a 1950s samurai movie, The Hidden Fortress. Of course it has become so much more than a tribute. It’s become an actual universe in a way that Lucas never could have […]

The barber’s kids go bald

I need a haircut. I mean, really – I so badly need a haircut. In my neighborhood I can go to the butch dudes’ barber shop, where the hipsters go. But I would have to make an appointment days in advance, even though it’s corona-time; and my goatee is so ordinary I feel judged in there. I could go to […]