• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

I’d like to thank the Academy

So if you’ve been twiddling your thumbs waiting for this, the third installment in my Free Speech Trilogy, I have one question for you: Why don’t you have anything more interesting going on in your life? I mean, I’m grateful, don’t get me wrong, but…you need to get out more.  I’m just saying. When last we left our intrepid hero […]

My first year by the numbers: Putin on the Ritz

I started out as a writer, and in my experience the two most important measures of a person’s writing are: How the writer feels about it How the reader feels about it There’s also how your mom feels about it, but that’s really a subset of #2 so I went for simple-is-better. Then when you give up writing and instead […]

Rage against the Machine

If you stumbled onto this post because you think it’s about the band, I’m sorry. You can leave – no harm, no foul.  If you are here without reading the prior post, called Let them eat Twinkies, you should go back and read that now, since this is part 2 of a planned 3-part series. And finally, if you’re here […]

That was fast!

In a week, April 8 to be exact, I will mark the one year anniversary of this blog! I have a dozen or so ideas about how to commemorate this, and no real capacity or mind-space to execute on most of them, so I thought I would start with this:  What do YOU think? I assume if you’re reading this, […]

Let them eat Twinkies

I saw an article confirming, “Facebook removes video interview with Trump, citing his ban from the platform,” which made me happy. In reading the article I learned that the interview in question was between Donald Trumpand his daughter in law, Lara Trump; and that she knew in advance that the content would be deleted by the platform. For those just […]