• davidbgittelman@gmail,com

Thanks, Obama.

As I’ve said in an earlier post, I did not vote for Barack Obama – not once.  It was never because I didn’t like him, or respect him. I just didn’t like his platform, his agenda. It wasn’t him, it was never personal. I thought it was great that a black senator, someone young and articulate, could energize the younger […]

Kill Kellyanne, Vol. II

Don’t let the headline fool you, I am not advocating killing anyone, least of all former Trump mouthpiece Kellyanne Conway.  I am just continuing my homage to the force of nature that is her daughter, Claudia Conway. The headline is just a cheap play on the Quentin Tarantino Kill Bill series, which – if you read one of my earlier […]

No Hope

If anyone is not convinced that, somewhere, a seal has been broken and we are full-on in the middle of the actual Apocalypse, here’s proof. According to CNN, a baby zebra (they say ZEH-bra, by the way) in the UK that was born in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, has died after being frightened by local fireworks set […]

I’ll take Robert Downey, Jr. for 200, Alex

“There’s all kinds of people dying who never died before.” Some people remember Donald Trump saying this early in the COVID pandemic. Some attributed it to Joe Biden. Personally, I have a clear memory of my Nana saying it – maybe ironically, maybe not – when I was little. As I got older, I remember thinking she may have been quoting […]

Revolution revelation.

I think it may be safe to breathe now. While the election isn’t over, it’s getting closer and much of the conversation is beginning to turn from “who” to “how?” As in, “How are we going to move forward?” Much has been written of late about the consequences of a US Senate that disproportionately favors more rural, less populated states […]

That’s the Chicago Way

 A word, if you will, in praise of the life of Sean Connery. Connery is as close to a movie star as there ever was, in any generation. He was the best James Bond, more charismatic than charming, even though he was among the few who didn’t care for the franchise. He was an actor’s actor, and didn’t care for […]

A brief musical interlude

Friends, this is it. The Rubicon.  When next we speak everything will be different, no matter the outcome of the election. Face it, we may not even know who won by this time next week. Or multiple parties could be touting different results. But it will be over and we will be forever changed. Some of you have already voted, […]

America runs on Dunkin’

I am nauseous writing this. Or, if you’re a grammar Nazi: nauseated. I don’t usually feel this way but I remember election night four years ago and this is hauntingly familiar. In 2016 I had been a lifelong Republican, at one point a card-carrying, money-donating, Rush Limbaugh-listening Republican. My father was a Republican committeeman in Northeast Philadelphia when I was […]

Are you there, world? It’s me, Claudia.

Three days in a row?!  I know, but Monday’s was short; yesterday’s was fluffy, like a bit of merengue left over on your dessert fork; and today’s is technically a follow-up, so does that really count? Those of you who are faithful peepers into my mind will recall the earlier post where I examine the bizarre role reversal of parent […]

Bob and Lando and Ted and Jabba

In a lot of ways Star Wars has always been an analog for life.  It didn’t start out that way. It started as a George Lucas penned homage to a 1950s samurai movie, The Hidden Fortress. Of course it has become so much more than a tribute. It’s become an actual universe in a way that Lucas never could have […]